Friday, July 26, 2013

Who is Jack Grissom?

A/N: What follows is a basic profile of Jack Grissom, the private eye of my book series. The reason I'm posting this, is so one will have an understanding about who Jack is, and why he is like he is. So, stay tuned...

Name: Johnathan Humphrey Grissom "Jack"
Age: 42
Date of Birth: 20 December 1899 in Cleveland, Ohio
Wedding Anniversary: 21 December 1932

                Hair: Chestnut Brown (worn either parted with part in line with left eye brow or left alone)
                Eyes: Light Brown, sometimes mistaken for Hazel
                Height: 5'8 Weight: 195lbs-very muscular
                Identifying Scars:
                                Scars on: Left Shoulder (gunshot wound in April 1933)
                                                 Right Shoulder (gunshot wound in December 1933)
                                                 Upper Lip (created when healed improperly from childhood)
                                                 Right Cheek (hardly noticeable to anyone but him-childhood)
                                                 Left Side of Chest-mid torso (gunshot wound in 1941)
                                Normally wears 3 piece, double-breasted pin strip suite with solid ties and only buttons                                      top button on suite coat. Outwear includes either tan or black trench coat which is belted                                     and a grey fedora with heavy black band and brim turned down. Occasionally wears                                     ankle boots.  
                                Wears a wedding ring; carries an Elgin Pocket Watch by Wadsworth
                                Never without his Smith & Wesson 1917-ACP in concealed shoulder holster
                                Backup weapon: Smith & Wesson .32 Safety Hammerless Revolver "belly gun"
                                Backup weapon: Webley-Fosbery .38
                                Winchester Model 1897 Pump Action Shot Gun
                                Carries an Italian Switchblade hidden on his person (either in his boots or in his sock)

Automobiles: 1941 Cadillac 62 Coupe-black
                        1932 Auburn V-12 Speedster (Wedding Present)
                Mansion: 3076 Fairmount Blvd. Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44118
                Apartments: Statler Arms Hotel 1127 Euclid Avenue, Suite 410 Cleveland, Ohio 44115
                                       14000 Shaker Blvd. Apartment 307A Cleveland, Ohio 44120-(primary location)
                Office: 1621 Euclid Avenue Suite 2106 Cleveland, Ohio (Keith Bld.)

Speech: Can read, write and speak fluent English
                Knows enough French to get slapped (after Lauranna died, his French became very rusty)
                Lisp causes some difficulty with saying words that start with O (such as O'Reilly)
                No known accent

Occupation: Private Detective (prefers to be called Private Eye)
Employer: Self-Employed
Partner(s): Harrison Wilson
                   Thomas O'Reilly-Homicide Detective with Cleveland Police Department

                Before Lauranna: A smart ass whose always thinking about himself. Can be wild, unpredictable,                                                even impulsive. Sly and tricky when called for and temper flares without                                               warning and can turn things around (useful with clients and normally has a smile                                                                            afterwards)
                After Lauranna: Becomes much more reserved and cold and somewhat hard. Tends to think most                                                 import things threw
                                            *He is what most private detectives would like to be: a hard, shifty fellow, able to                                                     take care of himself in any situation; able to get the best of anybody he comes in                                          contact with whether criminal, innocent bystander or client.*
                                Enjoys drinking bourbon, prefers Scotch, will drink Whiskey only when he has to.
                                Does not do mixed drinks and tends to have drinks over ice.
                                Gave up drinking until Lauranna's death
                                When not rolling his own cigarettes, smokes Lucky Strikes Cigarettes-NEVER cigars
                                He smiles when he talks & uses his hand to empathize things
                                Always buttons top button on suite coat unless his hands are in his pants pockets
                                Uses thumb & left index finger to play with his left ear lobe when thinking
                                Will rub finger under his nose then snap fingers or will slide his hands together and point                                                           when making a point
                                Despite his wife being dead for nine years, he still listen to Burns & Allen on Tuesday                                                                 and then Thursday nights
                                Tries to visit Lauranna's grave weekly (Not really a hobby, but in his mind, it is)

                Father: Johnathan William Grissom, a beat cop for Cleveland Police Department, deceased
                Mother: Elizabeth Ann DePres, a nurse at City Hospital
                Siblings: None, only child
                Spouse: Lauranna Vivian Blaine, deceased
                Children: None Living
                                1st Child: Miscarriage at 3.5 weeks after Jack was shot in April, 1933 while on a case
                                2nd Child: died in-utero when mother was killed at 6.5 weeks
                                Headstone shows name of Rose as the babies name
                                *While Jack knows about the death of his 2nd child, he is not aware until much later of                                         1st miscarriage due to a coma he was in at the time of the miscarriage*
                                Possibility he is the father of Evelina Wilson, the daughter of Harrison and Sara Wilson after an affair
                Best Friend: Thomas "Thom" O'Reilly, Homicide detective Cleveland Police Department
Misc. Facts:
·         In a flashback while he is in a coma, Jacks says his favorite color is Navy Blue; mentions that his     favorite color for Lauranna is a deep violet purple
·         He is godfather to nephew Anthony James Vincent and also to Evelina Ann Wilson
·         While living in the Blaine Mansion, Jack keeps his apartment
        After Jack and Lauranna spend a quite weekend there, Jack leaves everything                                                          alone and his apartment has not changed in nine years
·         When arriving at Kidson Crime Scene, O'Reilly mentions Burns & Allen. Every Tuesday, Jack and Lauranna would listen to them on the radio before going to bed
·         Despite having the apartment, Jack and Lauranna normally lived in the mansion, which was given to them as a wedding present
·         Jack's greatest desire is to be reunited with Lauranna and their unborn baby
·         The Grissom's marriage lasts exactly one year
·         The Grissom Coat of Arms original said "Search for Truth. The World is Not Enough" (Quaero enim veritas) in Latin. After Jack's marriage to Lauranna the line "We have all the time in the world" (Nous avons tout le temps dans le monde) is added in French
·         Jack mentions once that the neighborhood of Slavic Village is engraved in his memory better than downtown. He later mentions that he graduated grade school from St. Stanislaus Grade School and South High School, both in Slavic Village
·         Right around the anniversary of his wife's death, Jack is easily angered
·         As a wedding present, Stephen Blaine Sr. (Lauranna's paternal grandfather) gives Jack a 1932 Auburn V-12 Speedster
·         The only personal effects he has of Lauranna is a silk lilac nightgown and robe, matching bedroom heels, a bottle of Chanel No. 5 perfume, an amethyst necklace and earrings, her personal copy of The Maltese Falcon, a single photograph of her, a photograph of them on their wedding day, a photograph Thom took of them in the park, the baby blanket under the tree the year she died (that's how she was planning on telling him of her pregnancy), Rick the bull dog and a love note with a dried red rose from the weekend spent at the apartment
·         While it was Elizabeth Grissom who taught Jack basic French, Lauranna taught him much of it as well. After Lauranna's death, Jack stopped worrying about french, and can only say a few saying (Nous avons tour le temps dans le monde; mon bien-aimé; Je t'aime) otherwise, he can swear fluently in french and does. 


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